Saturday, December 8, 2012

Workout of the Month?!?!

You'll hear me talk a lot about how it is the little things we do for our body that really add up. Especially since we don't always have time do the big things we would like to accomplish. Even doing something small for our health and bodies CAN and WILL make a difference in the long run.

Today, I joined a challenge, a chilly challenge.  The idea is two teams compete against one another to see who can rack up the most mileage.  I find it a fun reason to force myself to get out and pound the pavement, or maybe the treadmill (let's be realistic) I'm not a huge fan of the cold but I love competition. (I'm joining #teamgiraffe by the way, so I think you should join as well).

While signing up for the challenge I stumbled across another challenge.  This one is a much smaller challenge.  Although it requires a daily effort it's a challenge that can takes as little as three minutes each day for 30 days.  The idea is that is one move can completely change your running.  So I'm going to give it a try,  it might even help me gear up for the chilly challenge.

So what is this three minute move that could completely change your running?  It's called the 100 Up Challenge.  And instead of me trying to explain it, I'll leave you with the link and the video that explained it to me.

So this week I'm going to dedicate to the 100 Up Challenge. Of course I'm going to get a few solid runs, abs work-outs, and strength training in, but I will make this challenge my #1 goal of the week.  '

I challenge you to join the chilly challenge with me on #teamgiraffe as well as the 100 Up Challenge.  

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