Friday, November 30, 2012

Green Mountain Wellness Collection Review (K-Cups)

You may have read my Keurig Platinum review last year.  I still have much love for this machine.  I recently got involved with a company called BzzAgent, a word-of-mouth marketing (WOM) company.  One of the products that I was recently sent to try was Green Mountain Coffee Wellness Collection K-Cups.

Green Mountain currently has two varieties in their wellness collection.  They have an antioxidant blend and a focus blend.  The antioxidant blend is fortified with both vitamins C and E while the focus blend has 50mg of L-Theanine.  I'm all for both blends, as long as I do not have to sacrifice taste, because I love my coffee and I want to keep it an enjoyable experience.

So off I went to brew my first Green Mountain Wellness Collection K-Cup.  And a second, and a third and so forth.  There is no difference in taste between the two options.  Both were what one would expect from in quality in taste from Green Mountain.

Upon first sip I was pleasantly surprised with the taste.  It tasted exactly like coffee, good coffee.  No bitterness, no medicine taste, no weird aftertaste.  My one and only caveat, which is a completely personal preference is I tend to like the bolder blends.  I stick with K-cups such as The Original Donut Shop Extra Bold Coffee. This is a medium roast coffee and I would prefer it to be a bit stronger in flavor. Perhaps if these sell successfully Green Mountain will start selling a bolder wellness brew for people like me!  

Until then I will most likely stick to my Donut Shop Extra Bolds.  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

If only booze had zero calories (miles for beer)...

My biggest problem with my diet is my social calories.  I'm a social drinker.  The issue with this is that I'm very social.  Haha.  No, that is not my way of justifying a drinking problem  I'm a 29 year old single female who enjoys the company of her friends.  Yes, you can argue I can find plenty of things to do where alcohol is not involved, but the truth of the matter is my friends and I like to have a few beers and watch the game (football, basketball, and hockey - please come back NHL).   We like to attend events such as summer concerts, baseball games, and Oktoberfest.  We will go out to celebrate promotions and birthdays and commiserate during break-ups and lay-offs.

I know I can find amazingly fun options that don't involve hitting the bottle and there are many days I go out with my friends and one of us, including myself, decide they are abstaining from adult beverages for the evening.  It does not escape from the fact that I realistically will booze it up with my friends after sacrificing the whole day with veggie egg white omelettes and carrot sticks.

It's not just the boozing that makes it difficult to make healthy choices when you are 29 and single.  Actually, this applies to anyone at any age...  It's hard to remain on a diet while being social when food or drinks are involved.  There are bbqs, group dinner parties, and dates.

One recent example comes to mind.  I invited a couple of my good guy friends over to watch The Big Lebowski with me (one had not yet seen it, and he's totally the dude!).  Trying to be a good host I offered up a frozen pizza for my boys.  I like being able to serve food and beverages, I feel it's all part of being a good host.  Although, I wanted skip the pizza and be healthy, I did not want them to feel bad for making a pizza for them if I wasn't having any myself.  I know I should not feel guilty for eating a slice of pizza but at the same time, that is just one of many example I feel I'm forced to eat unhealthy options.

This happens several times, and not only on a one off basis.  Other times we will be out to eat and everyone wants to order wings or pizza to share, I know I can simply decline and wait to eat at home, but I do not want to be the only one refusing food.  I know it's a choice I make and I can go out with my friends and not drink or not eat.  But I enjoy doing it.

Trying to eat healthy should not be punishment.  I should be able to participate in things I love while not feeling like an outsider.  At the same time I do not want to feel the guilt or shame for my actions... So for the month of December I am enacting miles for beer.  For every adult beverage I consumer I pledge to run one mile in the following week.  I'm either going to have to cut back on my drinking or I'll be at marathon training level faster than I planned.  I'm fine with either

I'll keep you updated on my progress!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Burt's Bees Intense Hydration Review & BzzAgent

Yes, they both are bee related but the only thing they have in common is they both are amazing companies.

Approximately two months ago I joined BzzAgent, a word-of-mouth marketing (WOM) company.  It's honestly one of the easiest and best decisions I have ever made.  I highly recommend checking them out.  You simply fill out a few surveys about yourself and your buying preferences and they set you up with companies to try and test out their products.  Within two months I have qualified for six campaigns, all at ZERO cost to me.  The only thing they expect from me is to give HONEST feedback to my friends, family and/or coworkers about the products and/or services I tried.  They in no way persuade me to give a positive review of a product I do not like.

The very first campaign I qualified for was Burt's Bees Intense Hydration Campaign.  I was already addicted to Burt's Bees Beewax Lip Balm but never really tried any of their other products.   Well, Burt's Bees done it again.  I'm now addicted to the whole Burt's Bees Intense Hydration line.  In the mail I received three full sized items (Intense Hydration Cream Cleanser, Intense Hydration Night Cream, and Intense Hydration Treatment Mask) as well as several Day Lotion and Night Cream samples with $3 off coupons for my friends and family.

A little bit about my skin before I talk about results.  I never had acne as a teenage but when I hit my mid twenties I began to get constant acne of both of nodules and pustules (I know... gross) in the middle of my forehead right between my eyebrows.  Occasionally, in other various spots on my face as well.  I have tried proactive, acne free severe, cetaphil, and more.  I've gone to doctors and tried doxycycline and some other prescription options but it only would clear up my acne for a couple weeks and it came back in full force.  The doxycycline simply would dry my skin out further.  

I have been using cetaphil as my go to, dermatologist recommended - over the counter, face wash and moisturizer.  As long as I used it religiously it would help reduce my acne but I still constantly always have at least 2-3 pimples on my forehead.  I'm 29, I don't want acne anymore.  

So I got my Burt's Bee Intense Hydration line in the mail and boy this product is thick!  When I wash my face I used to all the suds and soapy feeling the cetaphil leaves behind, I was worried about what this product was going to do to my acne.  I appreciated the feeling the moisture but I was afraid it was going to make my skin too oily.  It almost felt as if I was washing my face with lotion. Despite this, the product smelled really good (but not overpowering) and felt really nice on my face.  I continued to put on the Intense Hydration Night Cream and went to bed.  

The next morning I honestly felt a difference.  I was skeptical, sure my face is hydrated but what is going to happen to my acne.  I worried after a couple uses if it was going to make my face too oily and cause even more break outs.  I kept on using the product as instructed and used the Intense Hydration Treatment Mask.  

After a couple days I felt my acne started to look like it was clearing up.  I still remained skeptical because I feel any changes in my face routine would often cause a brief moment of relief only to come back again with full vengeance!  

It's been about 5 weeks now, not only has my acne been so much better, my acne almost completely clear on the top of my forehead, but I feel my skin tone looks more even and appears brighter.  When I would put on tinted moisturizer or BB cream in the past I would get a burning sensation under my eyes from the dryness, that effect completely disappeared.  

Do I recommend at least trying Burt's Bees Intense Hydration line?  Without a doubt.  It changed my skin, maybe it can change yours!   

Why I like to put on my fat pants...

If you are anything like me it's so easy to diet... for a week or maybe as long as a month.  Then you lose motivation.  You have been doing so amazing so you have a little cheat, skip a workout or have a piece of cake... or three.  Wait, you can't just waste that cake, so maybe you finish it.

It's not that one piece of cake that is the problem.  We are all human and if you are anything like me you like dessert!  Or maybe those salty snacks.  It's about the overall, doing more good for your body than doing harm.  I need to learn how to keep going even though I like to treat myself.  I need to remember that is it not a TREAT if I treating myself every day!

There are so many healthy alternatives, it's finding ones that you like, that help keep you on track.  It's about finding things that make you feel you aren't missing out.  DO NOT eat the same few healthy meals over and over.  FIND VARIETY.  We live in a world where he have more food options than we will ever get the opportunity to try in our life.  If you have access to read this blog you have the means you also have access to find amazing HEALTHY recipes for whatever nutritional needs / guidelines you need or want to follow.  Of course I plan to share my favorites with you but do the same for me.  Or at the very least put in a small fraction of the effort you put in on catching up with your favorite TV show as you do in looking up great recipes or finding a great workout plan.

It's not just about food, but it's reminding yourself how far you've come when you have lost even some of the weight.  When I was losing weight and would put on a pair of my old fat jeans I would be surprised how much I really have lost.  I could FEEL how HUGE they really were on me.  So I plan to put on my fat pants on days I feel like I'm falling off track, it'll remind me how far I really have come and how much better off I am today.

I'm going to remind myself, although I had a bad day, tomorrow is a new day and it was not one day that got me where I did not want to be and it will not be one bad day that will prevent me from where I want to go.

Talk about what you are doing to be a better you with your friends or the weight loss community.  We are all here to support you and it helps you stay on track when you are staying involved.

If you have any secret to how you stay motivated please share!