Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Dukan Diet

My current attempt to lose weight is with the Dukan Diet.  With a total weight loss of 14 pounds in just under 6 weeks I consider it successful (thus far). The thing I love about the Dukan Diet is you are permitted to eat unlimited amount of foods (within reason).  The most difficult aspect of the diet is the elimination of carbs.  I can have a whole blog dedicated to my love of carbs and carbs related foods.  Back in my high school days my parents nicknamed me Rice Pilaf because that is what I would eat for dinner each and every day. 
To me, the problem with most diets is it has to be a lifestyle.  You cannot stop once you reach your goal weight, otherwise all the weight you lost eventually comes back on.  With the Dukan Diet there are four phases and once you reach phase four, your goal weight, you can eat whatever foods you want (once again, within reason) and still maintain your weight loss, as long as once a week you revisit the diet rules.  This is idea the sealed the deal.  The thought of only needing to diet one day week sounds not only achievable but easy.  During the course of the diet you are never suppose to limit your food intake nor are you suppose to ever count calories.  The most difficult aspect of the whole Dukan Diet process is actually making it to phase four. 

Phase One is the attack phase.  The attack phase only last approximately 5 days.  With the exception of 2 T of oat bran a day (which you will eat everyday for life) you are only eating lean proteins and some dairy such as fat free cream cheese, fat free cottage cheese, and skim milk.  What is great about this phase is most people lose tons of weight initially.  Due to the first phase only lasting a short period of time and the large amount of rapid weight loss people are compelled to keep going into phase two. 

I am currently, in my opinion, in the most difficult phase of the diet, phase two.  Phase two is just like phase one but you are adding in vegetables every other day, along with the 2 T of oat bran daily.  I never thought I’d miss vegetable as much as I do.  On vegetable days I feel as if I can continue this diet forever, it’s the protein only days that are rough.  Phase two continues all the way until you reach your goal weight. 

Phase three, you slowly start bringing carbs and starches back into your diet.  You are also allowed 2 celebration meals a week where you can eat whatever you want without worrying about it being on the allowed list. 

By the time you reach phase four your body is considered stabilized and you can eat all different foods you have been missing.  Once a week you have to go back to the protein only day diet, but beyond that you are suppose to maintain your goal weight. 

My struggles and triumphs with the Dukan Diet’s Phase Two

1 comment:

  1. Best buy ever! I am 71 and had low expectations of losing the unwanted pounds. Within 6 weeks I had lost 20 pounds and as promised in the book, the weight has stayed off. The book is concise and easy to understand with no measuring or weighing. Just plenty to eat. Have recommended it to my friends who are amazed at my new healthy shape. You are never too old to make a difference.
