Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why I like to put on my fat pants...

If you are anything like me it's so easy to diet... for a week or maybe as long as a month.  Then you lose motivation.  You have been doing so amazing so you have a little cheat, skip a workout or have a piece of cake... or three.  Wait, you can't just waste that cake, so maybe you finish it.

It's not that one piece of cake that is the problem.  We are all human and if you are anything like me you like dessert!  Or maybe those salty snacks.  It's about the overall, doing more good for your body than doing harm.  I need to learn how to keep going even though I like to treat myself.  I need to remember that is it not a TREAT if I treating myself every day!

There are so many healthy alternatives, it's finding ones that you like, that help keep you on track.  It's about finding things that make you feel you aren't missing out.  DO NOT eat the same few healthy meals over and over.  FIND VARIETY.  We live in a world where he have more food options than we will ever get the opportunity to try in our life.  If you have access to read this blog you have the means you also have access to find amazing HEALTHY recipes for whatever nutritional needs / guidelines you need or want to follow.  Of course I plan to share my favorites with you but do the same for me.  Or at the very least put in a small fraction of the effort you put in on catching up with your favorite TV show as you do in looking up great recipes or finding a great workout plan.

It's not just about food, but it's reminding yourself how far you've come when you have lost even some of the weight.  When I was losing weight and would put on a pair of my old fat jeans I would be surprised how much I really have lost.  I could FEEL how HUGE they really were on me.  So I plan to put on my fat pants on days I feel like I'm falling off track, it'll remind me how far I really have come and how much better off I am today.

I'm going to remind myself, although I had a bad day, tomorrow is a new day and it was not one day that got me where I did not want to be and it will not be one bad day that will prevent me from where I want to go.

Talk about what you are doing to be a better you with your friends or the weight loss community.  We are all here to support you and it helps you stay on track when you are staying involved.

If you have any secret to how you stay motivated please share!     

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